My first month of job hunting hasn’t flushed out anything great. I’m trying to stay local, but the market in Philly is a little stranger than usual. Philly itself isn’t a hotbed of high tech, and some of my former clients in the burbs are downsizing. I have some leads out of state, but they’d have to blow my socks off in every other way to make up for the location.
Two weeks down with the flu hasn’t helped much either. The last three years seemed particularly bad for me and the general population. Are we dealing with nastier bugs, more opportunity for transmission, or declining health across the entire population? In any event, I hope I don’t sound like I swallowed Kermit the Frog on my phone interview later today.
One good thing about a slow market is that I’ve decided to reserve time off for the Philadelphia International Film Festival. I always take off for the gay film festival in July but usually just stick to weekends and late showing for the April festival. This may be K.’s last festival as a U.S. resident, so a few extra weeks off isn’t a bad thing.